Advanced Nursery Growers


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NATIVE - EASTERN RED CEDAR Juniperus virginiana Grow your own Christmas tree. These are shaped ideally for Christmas trees and grow approx. 1 to 2 ft per year.They get 40 to 50 ft tall. Can tolerate significant and ongoing amounts of salty wind and salt spray without injury. Native habitats are Calcareous soils, shell mounds, coastal hammocks, second growth on open rocky fields. They attract the Olive Hairstreak Butterfly.


(They are in larger pots but they are smaller starter trees see pictures)


We only ship to the continental USA no shipping to California, Arizona, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Our plants ship bare root or with minimal soil in a bag.  5 gallon pots or larger they must be picked up at the nursery ( or call for special shipping arrangements to see if we can ship to you ).

The picture is an example  and is not always the actual plant being shipped