Fantastic ADVACADO FANTASTIC the advacado has a creamy texture, and are thin-skinned. The fruit has a creamy texture with "fantastic flavors". Has the highest oil content of these 5 cold hardy avocados. Self -fertile COLD HARDY 15-18° feet tall . Ripens Sept. Pryor and Fantastic are names for the same variety of avacado itis a Mexican type that's known for being cold hardy. The original name for the variety was "Del Rio", but it was trademarked as "Pryor" by Bill Schneider, a cold-hardy avocado specialist. Some nurseries may also sell it under the name "Fantastic". ZONE 8B - 11B Type A
Lila AKA Opal is a Mexican variety with green-skinned fruit that has a rich, nutty flavor with a medium-sized, pear-shaped fruit. SEMI Dwarf that gets about 10ft to 15 ft tall. Cold hardy 15 degree. It has been promoted that 1" trunk tree will take short, light freezes for 1-3 hours at 28-30° without sustaining damage, if planted with wind protection to the north and west and a 3" trunk tree will take 8-10 hour freezes down to 26°, but 24° is too much and you'll lose a considerable amount of the tree. Not to be confused with a Lula Avacado which is cold hardy to 25 degrees.
PANCHO or PONCHO Cold hardy to 15°, Pancho tastes more like the Fantastic than the Lila, but produces a green fruit with a bit of red blush when ripe. Also a pear-shaped fruit, approximately 6-8oz in size. Ripens July-Sept. Type B
Joey Cold hardy to 15°, Joey is a medium sized, egg-shaped fruit with great flavor, but the thin exterior skin is naturally purple black in color, making it difficult to see bruises.
Ripens Aug. Type B
BRAZIL BELLE Cold hardy to 15°, Brazo Belle is another medium to large sizedfruit that has purple-black skin and weighs 6-8oz at maturity. Ripens Sept. aka 'Wilma'; Type B